TeX Live frozen
ついに TeX Live 2012 が frozen になった。
tlpretest は予定通りならば水曜辺りのはず……と確認してみると、TeX Live 2012 is frozen forever and will nolonger be updated. This happens in preparation for a new release.
If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (whenpretests are available), please read http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
あれ、8日だっけ。日本時間では明日の深夜から明後日朝位になるのかな……ということで、そろそろ rsync の用意でもしておこうかしらん。Plan for TeX Live 2013:
27mar: sources committed, builds begin.
8apr: tlnet (and TL'12) frozen, tlpretest starts, CTAN updates continue there.
20may: complete freeze for final build, no more updates, final doc tweaks, always more testing.
8jun: deliver final images for the TeX Collection DVD to manufacturing.
1jul: public release (also of MacTeX).
August?: delivery of DVDs to members.